How To Enable .Net Framework On Windows8 (offline)

Now-a-days almost all 3rd party software require Microsoft .NET Framework installed in your system. In a normal way, mostly, windows 7 comes with pre-installed .Net framework 3.5 and windows 8 comes with pre-installed .Net framework 4.5 but mostly, it is not enabled to be used so softwares keeps asking to install it, which is hectic to get online, this is how to enable .Net framework 4.5 on your windows 8 in an offline mode.
1.mount de win8 depending on version using mount x86 if ur pc uses x86 n x64 if ur pc uses x64

2.create a folder on ur local disk(disk containin windows files) and name it net35 command prompt with administrative priveleges(move ur pointer to de left button corner of the screen and the right click...the click on the command prompt(admin))

4.type in this command
xcopy I:\sources\sxs\*.* c:\net35 /s
and the press enter.wait until all files are copied

5.type this command
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /source:c:\net35 /limitaccess
and then press enter.
your netframe work is now enabled

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